(254) 717-8046
Waco, TX 76710, United States of America


It is all about the experience!

  • What is the most important factor to consider in building a fence?

    Do you trust the company?  The most important decision you will make in any construction project, like building a  fence, is which contractor to hire.  You need to feel confident the contractor will walk you through the entire process to assure the final result will meet your expectation.  There will be many things that you do not know and you need to feel assured that the company will act in your best interest to avoid pitfalls.  If you do not feel you are getting full and complete answers to your questions, you may need to find someone else.

  • Do you have neighbors?

    You may share a fence with several neighbors.  You may not know your neighbors.  You may not know who owns the fence you would like replaced.  Do not worry, that is not unusual.  We can help with all those neighborly arrangements, discussions and meetings so it is comfortable for everyone.  We can help make it an enjoyable experience.

  • Do the city codes and ordinances allow you to build the fence you want? Do you need a permit to build?

    If you live in a rural area, outside city limits, you do not need to be concerned about city code.  The first thing we check is to see if your address falls inside the city limits and under the codes and ordinances of that city.  Every city has its own.  We will assure that your project meets all city requirements.

  • Do you know the type and style of fence you need and why? Do you know which features are available? Which are important to you and which are necessary?

    You will want to know that you are not being charged for features that you do not get.   We will assure that you know how your fence is constructed under ground as well as above ground to assure your fence will stand the tests of high winds, weather and time.  Call for our help.

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